Photo Walk: Millennium Park

Photo Walk: Millennium Park

Creative work is an interesting business. The demand to deliver fresh content is high and the deliverables aren’t black and white – it’s basically a mountain of grey. And I say that in the most loving way. I enjoy the fact that it’s not a straight, flat path with hard rights and wrongs, but rather a series of peaks and valleys. Sometimes, though, this treacherous terrain can leave us feeling thoroughly drained and not the least bit creative. In those moments it’s easy to doubt everything you create and lose hope that you’ll ever create anything worth while ever again. (You may be thinking…”Geez, doom and gloom much, Amy?!”) And yes, another downfall of creative work is suffering from the tendency to be overly critical. But, have no fear, there is a silver lining. Part of the reason creative work is so rewarding is exactly because of these low times. For when you finally claw and fight up the mountain, and pull yourself up to the top of the peak, the reward is always worth it.

All that metaphor-ing to really explain that when you’re in a rut, the best thing to do is keep going. Look for inspiration in nature. Get outside. Go for a walk. Take long, slow breaths of fresh air. Create something just for you with no focus on a ‘target market’ or ‘concept focus’ – just go and create. For me, I enjoy photographing the things around me. You may prefer to sketch or paint; write, compose, or dance. There are so many ways to express our creativity. The focus during this free expression should be only on making it for you. Just for you. No judgement. No restrictions. No fear.

The photos that follow are from one such ‘day of creative freedom’. I’m so grateful I was able to get out and explore Millennium Park during the peak of the color change this year. It’s one of my favorite parts about living in the Midwest. The color change marks the shift in seasons – the beginning of the holiday rush – and signals the inevitable end of another year. For me it serves as a reminder to soak up every last bit of the coming months, and continue forward with a revitalized energy for what is to come.

I hope you enjoy – oh, and yes, there is even a selfie or two included! Nick makes a cameo appearance, as well. Have a great week! And HAPPY FALL!

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